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We are Designer Creative Developer Analyst Copywriter Social media specialist Project manager

Different roles, but a common trait: we want to leave our mark.

Ventisette Digital Communication is a Benefit Company. But what does it mean?

From January 2023 VENTISETTE Digital Communication Srl became a Benefit Company, committed to improving and certifying its positive impact towards the environment around us, our people and our community.

An even more conscious stance, compared to what has been done over the past few years, which aims to go beyond the logic of profit, aspiring instead to a fairer and more sustainable socio-economic model that creates and redistributes value among all our stakeholders.

Think Global, Act Local

Actors in their own community

Working to increase its active citizenship commitment in the local area, promoting initiatives and projects related to cultural and artistic promotion, awareness of civic commitment values, inclusion and socialisation, and awareness of the environmental impact of human activities, aimed at the community in which the company is based, activating synergic collaborations and consultancy at various levels in the areas of marketing and communication.
Planning, developing and promoting events and actions to raise awareness of environmental sustainability issues among stakeholders in the areas where the company operates.

Team Up with the Best

We establish relationships of trust

To strive to create and maintain a positive working environment, which has as its main objective the enhancement and well-being of people, including employees, co-workers and customers, by stimulating and rewarding creative thinking, encouraging solutions for better integration between the personal and work spheres, ensuring continuous and up-to-date professional training and the exchange of knowledge and skills among workers, through the sharing of objectives, decisions and results.

Work-life Balance

There are more important things than work! 🙂

To strongly support the choice of conveying, in its activities and communication projects, messages that promote a positive social and environmental impact, with special attention to the consolidation of an inclusive culture for overcoming cultural, social and aesthetic stereotypes; to base its daily operations, in line with its founding values, on strict respect for each person according to principles of respect and valorisation of differences, transparency and civility.

Sustainability Ambassador

From words to actions

Continuously engage in disseminating, raising awareness and putting into practice the culture of sustainability, understood as a cross-cutting value that flows into several vectors, through proprietary and third-party communication channels.
These include the promotion of values related to the circular economy and the common good; the enhancement of digitalisation in business processes, both for the company’s own activities and for administrative fulfilments; the reduction of environmental impact at company level, avoiding wasting resources and adopting sustainable mobility solutions in daily home-office and business travel (bicycle, car pooling, train).

Our beloved clients 

Our beloved clients 

Our beloved clients 

Our beloved clients 

Our beloved clients 

Our headquarter, 27 Living

We believe that spaces come alive with the energy of those who live in them. This is why 27 LIVING, in addition to being the agency's headquarters, is open to photographers, artists and designers for temporary stores or exhibitions.

Founded in 2013, VENTISETTE Digital is a partner of Proxima Spa, an agency with more than 30 years of experience and 6M€ turnover (2021).

Proxima Group brings together 3 agencies, 60 talents, 33 years of change, 1 big credo: it is the idea, always the idea, the trump card.